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22 entries.
Eric Peterson from Bradenton wrote on August 3, 2022 at 5:55 pm
Hi Sylvia, I was so sorry to hear of Maria's passing. I was out of town when this happened and I just heard upon my return. She was always a sweetheart to me and I will miss her. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Eric
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you for your card. You were the perfect neighbor and we loved having you next door. Thanks for being so nice to our Mom. Your friendship speaks volumes. She is greatly missed by her family and dearest friends.
Lorraine from Sarasota wrote on July 8, 2022 at 3:35 pm
I think of Maria every day. I have many memories of our times together. Lots of luncheon dates. Picking strawberries and tomatoes together and many phone calls. Really, really, miss her. Love, Lorraine
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you, Lorraine. Mom enjoyed her friendship with you as well. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
Tamara Feggans from Ruther Glen wrote on July 1, 2022 at 1:24 pm
I was so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. I know the last few years have been tough, but that special place in our hearts for our mothers will always be full of those wonderful, cherished memories. Sylvia, I am thinking of you and your family.
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Tamara. You are so right about the wonderful and cherished memories. I have a lifetime of memories with the most amazing woman I have ever known. Thank you for your friendship and thoughts.
Carol Yonkin from Ruther Glen wrote on July 1, 2022 at 1:17 pm
Sylvia, My heart and prayers are with you and your family. Your mom was an amazing lady and I am glad I got to meet her. I know she is looking down on you and thinking how proud she is of you and all your accomplishments. Love you! Carol
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Carol. I'm glad you got to meet her too. My heart aches but I know the happy memories will carry me through and keep her alive in me always. Thank you so much for your friendship and thoughtfulness.
Lauren Jordan wrote on June 29, 2022 at 7:12 pm
Sylvia, Praying for you and your sisters, I know your Mom is no longer suffering. Prayers for peace and comfort for you, your sisters, and Kira. Lauren and Travis Jordan
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Lauren. Kira and I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than you know. Love you.
Jeanette Mendonca wrote on June 29, 2022 at 7:10 pm
Dear Sylvia, I was so sorry to hear about your Mom from Linda Rigsby. Over the years, your happy stories about your Mom showed how close you were and I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. Give yourself grace and time to grieve - never easy, no matter when. Love, Jeanette Mendonca
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Jeanette. I was very close to my Mom. We did so much together and she always spent her summers with me. I feel so lonely without her here. Your kind words and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated.
Rita Carvin wrote on June 28, 2022 at 6:44 pm
Dear Lee, I was sorry to hear that your Mom passed away. She was a good friend and we had a lot of good times together. I remember going to her home on Tallevast Road and spending time together. That was many years ago. I'm glad that your and Jim are still friends and keep in touch. God bless you and give you strength and comfort at this time. Sincerely, Rita Carvin
Luise Ray from Sarasota wrote on June 28, 2022 at 4:10 pm
I met Maria while working at Sarasota High School. My father was from Germany, so it was only natural that Maria and I formed a longtime friendship. Thru the years she helped me with sewing projects and, of course, gardening. She encouraged me to reupholster a living room chair and with her help, it turned out great.... which led me to do another! I enjoyed her showing me her garden when I stopped by to see her, and on occasion, she would give me plants from her garden. I still have some Amarillos she gave me... they still bloom every year! I always enjoyed our time together, whether it was outings for lunch, dinner, plant shows or just a shopping trip. (Or the occasional Happy Hour for a beer and snacks!) We always had some good laughs! I truly miss her friendship! I'll end with a Maria story.... I recently went to get my haircut (Maria referred me to Teresia years ago.) Teresia told me a story that happened a few years back. A lady who had cancer was in Teresia's shop for a cut when Maria came in. The lady had lost most of her hair. Maria was wearing a cap or hat that day (she always looked good in them). This lady admired it, so Maria decided to give her the cap! Teresia said the lady was almost in tears from gratitude when she left! That's my friend Maria!
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you so much Luise for that wonderful story about Mom sharing her hat with a stranger in need. Mom had a soft heart and was very generous. What a wonderful friendship you had.
Elsona Henderson wrote on June 25, 2022 at 7:02 pm
Sylvia, My deepest condolences to you and your family during this time. Elsona Henderson
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Elsona. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.
Enid Mendleson from Spotsylvania wrote on June 24, 2022 at 7:01 pm
Dear Sylvia, Alan and I are so sorry for your loss. Hugs, Enid and Alan
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Enid and Alan. Kira and I are grateful for your thoughtfulness during this difficult time.
Jamie Gordon from Sarasota, FL wrote on June 21, 2022 at 8:34 am
Oh my dearest Oma, you are amazing and forever missed and loved. I recall the greatest memories being at the Tallevast home where you tended to your garden, even planted your own vegetables, all of my childhood weekends I would spend there, even vividly remember the swimming pool gatherings, you letting or unknowingly having us kiddos in the kitchen making/wasting spices and such which making concoctions. Seeing you always outside inspiring us kids, swimming laps, taking care of the grandkids with food and drinks, watching your soap operas telling us to hush =P, riding the lawn mower, seeing you just love on your grandkids and even your children, you truly are missed and loved, we carry on your art and joy and smiles with such honor. I admit I never saw a negative side of you my Oma. I love you!!
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Jamie. What wonderful memories you have of your Oma. Thanks for sharing so that we can smile along with you at all the wonderful things Mom did for us and how much she means to us too. Love you.
Donna Osburn Eisenhauer from Sarasota wrote on June 20, 2022 at 12:47 pm
Maria’s family, Maria was such a good friend to my mom Linda Lacy for many years. I have heard so many wonderful stories about Maria and visited with her many times over the years along with my mom. Also had a fun day with her at the state fair once and I was always impressed with her sewing and needle work. She was one of a kind. May you find comfort in happy memories.
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Donna. It is a difficult time right now but we will find comfort and smiles in all the wonderful things Mom did and all the beautiful memories we have with her. Your Mom's friendship with our Mom was a special one to her. She loved her Linda Lacy. Your kind words are very much appreciated.
Linda Lacy from Sarasota FL and Franklin NC wrote on June 20, 2022 at 11:28 am
Dear family of Maria, I met Maria over 50 years ago. She was great fun to be around, lots of laughs from picking blue berries tomatoes, showing me how to roast peppers. she was an expert. Too much to write. Rest in peace my dear friend. Love, Linda Lacy
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Linda. You were one of Mom's closest and loyal friends for over 50 years. Your friendship carries over with her kids too. Thanks for sharing some of your memories.
Jessica Wasserman from Sarasota wrote on June 20, 2022 at 11:14 am
I never met Maria, but heard her daughter Linda speak of her while having a huge smile on her face. I was blessed enough to work with Linda and hear her stories of her mom. May Maria's memory be for a blessing. May her stories and traditions be carried on through her children and grandchildren. She lives in all of you. May memories of her carry all who knew her through this difficult time.
Sandra Murdock from North Port, Fl wrote on June 20, 2022 at 11:14 am
It warms my heart that Maria had a peaceful death with her daughters present. I have heard many stories of her strength and her will. I love that! She knew what she wanted and found a way to make sure it happened. My prayers for the family that as you grieve you find peace and love and laughter in sharing her memories. God bless
Bill Ross from Fredericksburg wrote on June 20, 2022 at 11:11 am
Kitty and I really enjoyed having known her. I recall one time when Kitty needed some assistance on a sewing project and your mother came over and took care of the issue very quickly. You and your family should be very proud of her and all of her accomplishments.
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Bill for sharing a memory you and Kitty had of Mom. We are very proud of Mom and all her talents, strength, grace, and laughter. She made us laugh all the time. I'm glad you got to know her.
Linda Nippert from Sarasota wrote on June 20, 2022 at 11:10 am
Linda and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Linda, I am so proud of how you cared for your mama. I know she was an amazing mother because she raised such an wonderful daughter. I love all of these photos. Hold those great memories close to your heart and find peace that you said everything and did everything you needed for your sweet mama. I’m so glad I had the chance to meet her.
Cheryl Wakelam from Ellenton wrote on June 20, 2022 at 11:08 am
I didn’t know Maria very long. She was a beautiful lady, inside and out! You are home now Maria, and I know you will be watching over your beautiful family. God bless & my condolences and prayers for all! ❤️🙏🏼
Daryl Bell from Sarasota wrote on June 18, 2022 at 2:47 pm
I will always remember Maria Gordon as the talented seamstress, gardener, swimmer, comedian and the most loving Oma to all her grandkids. I will never forget how lucky I was to be able to run next door throughout my entire childhood to see my Oma, where she never failed to spread her joy and laughter or make me one of those "smoodies". I know how happy and peaceful she is knowing how much love and support she had during her last moments - the same love and support she gave everyone she touched. We love you and miss you so much Oma.
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Daryl for sharing your kind words and memories. Kira told Oma that she could take credit in all her kids and grandkid's successes - that she was the root of it all. Your memories and thoughts of Oma are most appreciated.
Jessica Smith from Sarasota wrote on June 18, 2022 at 2:46 pm
Oma was a wonderful mother and grandmother. I will always remember her smile and giggle. She smiled often when her family was around. Her house was always open to her many grandkids and she never made a fuss about us being there getting into things, experimenting in her kitchen, or making things dirtier. My favorite memory with her is when she and Aunt Sylvi spent a few weeks teaching me the basics of sewing one summer while I was home from college. We made a beautiful dress and handbag. I cherish those memories. I am grateful to have had an Oma who invested her time and love into my life. I wish I could have gone to Germany with her. I’m sure she would have had so many incredible stories to share. I hope to visit with family one day in her honor. We miss and love you Oma. Thank you for the way you loved all of us in our family.
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you Jessica. Mom was so happy you had an interest in sewing and that we could help you make something you needed. I recognized the dress you made in the group picture at her 75th birthday surprise on the boat. I hope you are able to visit Germany too. It will make you feel close to her as you see places and hear stories of where she grew up. It's very beautiful there. Your shared memories are appreciated.
Sylvia Anderson from Fredericksburg wrote on June 18, 2022 at 11:08 am
I have a lifetime of favorite memories with my Mom. She was a very talented lady and a fashionista too. My best memories come from the things she taught me as a child. I feel all her good qualities were passed on to me. I especially enjoyed our summers together and experiencing new places. Kira and I loved making her laugh. She has definitely been a precious gift in my life. Send me signs Mom. I love you deeply.
Linda Bell from Sarasota wrote on June 18, 2022 at 9:19 am
Lots of Memories, of course, but here are a few, Mom.... 🙂 Mom loved hanging out by the pool and gardening with the stereo speaker in the window listening to her favorite German and American songs. I still have that "tape". Her Laughter with her friends and family. A good Bowler. A mighty Green Thumb! Radishes and Beer! And always drank beer from a glass. Got me into Vitamins. Big fan of my gymnastics and boasted to her friends I was her "Olympian" (my response was always, "Oh, Mom"...) Her Love for her German family. Talented Seamstress. Margarita's. Loved wearing hats! Rain Lillies, Amaryllis and Hibiscus flowers. She flew to Germany with a 2 year old and 4 year old in tow to give birth to me in her Mom’s gasthaus. And the last several years we were each others workout buddy. I miss You so much, Mom! Prost!

Herzogenaurach was home to “Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik”
(English: Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory).